Единственият внук на Мао загинал в Северна Корея

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Единственият внук на Мао загинал в Северна Корея
48-годишният военен Мао Циню е пътувал с туристическия автобус, който катастрофира при проливен дъжд в провинция Северна Хвангае на 23 април

02 Май 2018 10:05




The only grandson of former Chinese strongman Mao Zedong is rumored to have been among the casualties in a bus accident in North Korea last month that killed 32 Chinese tourists, Radio France International reported on Tuesday citing sources in China.According to RFI, most of the tourists who died in the accident in North Hwanghae Province were either children of Chinese soldiers who fought with North Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War or members of a group revering Mao. Mao Xinyu (48) is rumored to have been among the victims.



That would explain North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s unusually swift and humble response to the tragedy. Kim apologized to the Chinese ambassador and visited survivors in hospital the day after the accident, as well as seeing the victims’ bodies off at the train station.

U.S.-based Chinese-language broadcaster New Tang Dynasty Television reported that Mao Xinyu had visited North Korea five times before and even met nation founder Kim Il-sung in 1986 and 1990.

If the rumors are true, both Mao Zedong’s son and grandson died in North Korea. His oldest son Anying was killed fighting in the Korean War, and the tourists on the bus were apparently visiting his grave.

The Chinese government has not revealed the names of the victims. Some pro-Beijing news media reported the names of 26 tourists including members of the Maoist group, but the identities of the remaining eight are unknown.