Гласови Команди за Cortana – IT Logistic Center Ltd

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Списък с Гласови Команди за Cortana в Windows Phone 8.1 и Windows 10.

Cortana е един от най-очакваните черти на Microsoft, най-новата мобилна операционна система Windows Phone 8.1 и Win 10. Вдъхновена от популярния герой от видео игра  Halo, про-активно виртуален асистент е в състояние да отговори на много от тези горещи въпроси които можете да си зададете, всеки ден. Тя открива и следи за нещата, които се грижат за вас през целия ден, и помага да филтрира гласа, така че можете да се съсредоточите върху това, което има значение за вас.

You: ‘Who are you?’

Cortana: ‘In short, I am your personal assistant. I try to make things easier to do on your phone.’

You: ‘Set an alarm tomorrow at 9.’

Cortana: ‘Your 9:00 AM alarm is now on.’

You: ‘Cancel my alarm.’

Cortana: ‘Tap the alarm you want to turn off.’

You: ‘How do I get home?’

Cortana will launch HERE Drive showing you the route to your home.

You: ‘What do you look like?’

Cortana: ‘Some things I resemble: a hula hoop, a donut… a halo.’

You: ‘Which is better, Siri or Cortana?’

Cortana: ‘Not to brag, but apparently I’m going to help save the universe in about 500 years.’

You: ‘What is love?’

Cortana: ‘It’s on my to-do list of emotions. I’m still working through serenity and apprehension.’

You: ‘Which is better, Google or Bing?

Cortana: ‘Bing bing bing! We have a winner!’

You: Why should I buy this phone?’

Cortana: ‘Reason number 47: it’s not all about productivity, it’s about fun, too.’

You: Can you dance?

Cortana: ‘I’m still practicing my moves. Check back after beta.’

You: What is your favourite music?

Cortana: ‘Well, I’m working through the “G’s” currently: Guns N’ Roses, gospel, glockenspiel…’

You: I’m lonely!

Cortana: ‘Keep talking to me, then’

You: What song is playing?

Cortana: ‘Listening for music…’

You: Remind me to buy milk the next time I’m at the store.

Cortana: ‘Remind you when you get to store. Is this the one you want?’ – select locally suggested store.’

You: ‘Remind me to buy gas when I leave work’

Cortana: ‘Remind you about this? – Remind or cancel.’

You: I’m bored.

Cortana: ‘Ask me some more questions, then!’ ALT: ‘I suggest a new game from the Store’

You: When is the next Ellie Goulding event?

Cortana: ‘Here’s the upcoming Ellie Gouding event.’

You: I’m tired

Cortana: ‘I’ll set a nap alarm if you tell me when to wake you up.’

You: I’m excited.

Cortana: ‘Keep it going, chief. The serotonin will do you good.’

You: I’m happy.

Cortana: ‘Cool. Is it alarming how charming you feel?’

You: I’m angry.

Cortana: ‘That’s no good. If there’s something I can do to help, let me know.’

You: How far is it to the sun?

Cortana: ’92.96 million miles’

You: How tall is [famous person]

Cortana: ‘[Will tell you the height]‘

You: How old is [famous person]

Cortana: ‘[Will tell you the age]‘

You: ‘What is [company]‘s current stock price?’

Cortana: ‘[She’ll read it].’

You: Twitter Beta, new tweet.

Cortana: ‘Launching Twitter Beta’ ‘Listening… say your tweet.’

You: How many calories are in a burger?

Cortana: ‘Here’s the nutritional info for a serving of Hamburger (single patty)’

You: Who is the tallest man in the world?


Cortana Phone Commands Call Wife on Speakerphone Call Sister at home Call boss on mobile Call Tyrone Redail Press [number] Cortana Texting (SMS) Commands Text mom: What time is the birthday party? Message my boss: I have completed the budget report Send text to Tyrone: When are you coming to pick up my stuff? Show me messages from Tyrone Cortana Calendar Commands Create a meeting with Tyrone at 2pm tomorrow Create a budget review meeting today at 4pm Change my 2pm meeting tomorrow to 3pm Add Jessica to my meeting with Tyrone Cancel budget review meeting What does the rest of my day look like? What appointments do I have tomorrow? What’s on my calendar for Friday? When is my next appointment? When is my next meeting? When am I meeting with Tyrone? Where is my next meeting? What am I doing this weekend? Cortana Reminders Remind me at 4pm to submit my time sheet Remind me to buy gas when I leave work Remind me to check the mail when I get home. When my wife calls, remind me to ask her to pick up the kids The next time I’m at the grocery store, remind me to buy eggs Remind me to buy concert tickets tomorrow

В момента, Cortanaе е бета версия.

