Преговор на сегашно просто време с леки упражнения | Английски език Английски език: Преговор на сегашно просто време с леки…

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Особености на окончанието –S за сегашно просто време

1. Окончанието  -S се прибавя към основната форма на глагола в 3-то лице  ед.число на всички глаголи, които НE завършват  на : -0,  -SS,  -SH , -(T)CH , -X

work – работя ;               I work – He works

want – искам;                   I want – He wants

sleep –спя;                        I sleep – He sleeps

live – живея;                     I live – He lives

2.Всички глаголи , които завършват на -0,  -SS,  -SH , -(T)CH , -X  в 3-то лице  ед.число получават окончание  -ES.

watch-гледам;                I watch – He watches

kiss-целувам;                  I kiss- He kisses

wish-желая;                      I wish- He wishes

mix-смесвам;                   I mix- He mixes

3.Всички глаголи , които завършват на  -Y след съгласна , 3-то лице  ед.число -Y  преминава в – I и се прибавя –ES.

carry-нося;                                      I carry- He carries

study-уча;                                       I study- He studies

apply-прилагам;                             I apply- He applies

marry-женя се/омъжвам се;          I marry- He marries

supply-доставям;                           I supply- He supplies

4.Всички глаголи , които завършват на  -Y след гласна , в 3-то лице  ед.число -Y  не се променя, а само се добавя –S.


play-играя;                       I play- He plays

delay-отлагам;                 I delay- He delays

pray-моля се;                   I pray- He prays

stay-оставам;                   I stay- He stays

I. Попълнете изреченията, като използвате сегашно просто време.

1. She always (go) to the cinema on Sunday.

2. I (not live) in London. I (live) in New York.

3. You (like) dogs?

4.Jim (work) in a factory.

5.  I never (read) the newspaper at the office.

6. It (rain) every day in this area.

7. He usually (go) jogging every morning.

8. She (work) from Mondays to Fridays. She (not work) at weekends.

9. You (speak) English?

10. He often (wait) for his wife.

11. She (own) a big hotel.

12. My husband usually (put) the umbrella in the wrong place.

13. Somebody (lock) the door at 10 p.m. every night.

14. George (think) English spelling is hard.

15. Paul (not smoke) cigarettes.

16. You ( have ) a headache?

17. John (sleep) late on Saturdays.

18. Betty (study) with Bill three times a week.

19. My mother-in-law (eat) a dessert once a month.

20. She often (write) to her mother.

1. Black                                a. beautiful

2. Short                                 b. bad

3 .Small                                c. tall

4. Fat                                    d. quiet

5. Happy                              e. difficult

6. Ugly                                 f. white

7. Good                                g. thick

8. Noisy                               h. big

9. Easy                                 i. light

10 .Dark                               j. thin

11. Thin                               k. answer

12. Ask                                l. unhappy

III. Лексика

Head [hed] глава

A hair [hεə]косъм

Forehead [fɔː.hed] чело

Temple [templ] слепоочие, (храм)

Eye [ai] око

Iris[‘aiəris] ирис


Eyelash [‘ailæʃ] мигла

Eyelid [‘ailid] клепач

Eyeball [‘аibɔ:l] очна ябълка

Eyebrow [‘aibrau] вежда

Eyehole [‘aihoul] очна кухина

Mouth [mauθ] уста

Nose [nouz] нос

Lip [lip] устна

Ear [iə] ухо

Cheek [tJi:k] буза

Jaw [dʒɔ:] челюст

Frecklе [‘frekl] луничка

Dimple [‘dimpl] трапчинка

Chin [фп] брадичка

Tooth [tu:θ] зъб; 

IV. Отговори

1. She always goes to the cinema on Sunday.

2. I do not/don’t live in London. I live in New York.

3. Do you like dogs?

4. Jim works in a factory.

5.  I never read the newspaper at the office.

6. It rains every day in this area.

7. He usually goes  jogging every morning.

8. She works from Mondays to Fridays. She does not/doesn’t work at weekends.

9. Do you speak English?

10. He often waits for his wife.

11. She owns a big hotel.

12. My husband usually puts the umbrella in the wrong place.

13. Somebody locks the door at 10 p.m. every night.

14. George thinks English spelling is hard.

15. Paul does not/doesn’t  smoke cigarettes.

16. Do  you  have  a headache?

17. John sleeps late on Saturdays.

18. Betty studies with Bill three times a week.

19. My mother-in-law eats a dessert once a month.

20. She often writes to her mother.



Автор : Катерина Павлова